These rules (from here and onwards, Rules) regulate the non-commercial usage of the logo belonging to «Svetlitsa».

  1. Russian and English spelling of logo are equivalent
  2. Anyone can use the Svetlitsa logo on their website or social network as long as it does not violate these Rules
  3. Do not distort the Svetlitsa logo, its proportions or colour palette, or the proportions or colour palette of any of its parts. Do not use the Svetlitsa logo or any of its parts as part of another logo, trademark, trade name, slogan, etc.
  4. Svetlitsa reserves the right to change these Rules. The changes will affect everyone using the Svetlitsa logo according to these Rules. The Rules in effect are available at
  5. Svetlitsa reserves the right to defend its legitimate interests with the help of the law enforcement authorities or in court in case of any usage of the Svetlitsa logo not stipulated in these Rules

Download Stevlitsalogo

This is the only official web page where you can download the Svetlitsa logo

Information for Organizers

Svetlitsa Theater is happy to collaborate with event organizers and creative agencies. We offer agencies a special discount on our performances, ensuring that the end customer pays the same amount as if they were booking directly with us.

    We offer:
  • additional discounts and special conditions for regular clients
  • contract execution in accordance with US law
  • various payment options